
bad boyfriend

i am really just a bad boyfriend. really really bad.
told my boyfriend to company him to school, told my boyfriend that i will wait for him after school, told my boyfriend that i will go look for him at work to eat dinner together.
that is all i said and i didn't do any. i am such jerk. such a disappointment. real disappointment.
what am i good for? good for nothing and useless jerk wasting the earth's oxygen.



i have fallen deeply and truly in love. for once, i don't know what to do. i enjoy looking at the ring on my hand so much. just can't live without him, but at the same time, you can't have him because he is so god-like and you are so dirty who committed hundred and one sins that even if you jump into no matter how many river and you are still unclean.
just eaten three strawberries from the tray i took out from the refrigerator and find them too sweet. never eaten such sweet strawberries before. never felt so love before. never once i love someone so badly before. someone i want to hold and hug and kiss forever and never let go, but can i?


eleven years of aj

i am in the circle of aj for the past eleven. i mean i was. stepping out now.
there is a lotsa fun and laughter, excitement and pleasure for you to name it. not forgetting the clubbing scene and the scene where people got in and out of relationship.
from niche to why not to play. from the sgboy to fridae and eventually, trevvy.
from a down-to-earth chap to a infamous bitchy slut.
from next door converse to new urban male and not forgetting gucci and LV.
from straight looking aj to drag and last, DOM or i mean Dirty Old Man.
from true friends to cyber friend and back stabber.
from ons to ltr and to 'open to anything'.
well, all this are just part and parcel of the event you see while being an aj, or should i say, a typical Aj.